Blog Layout


Mar 13, 2019

1.Before we begin, our viewership would love to get to know you. What is the "cliffnotesversion" of who Martina is?

I am a Mom, Wife, Author, Chakra Healer, Yoga Teacher, Space Holder, Card Reader, Self-Love Advocate and Diet Culture Disrupter. I enjoy volunteering as a volunteer firefighter and my work with The Self-love Maven Magazine.

2. Your work encompasses a variety of roles, from author and motivational speaker to yoga teacher and chakra healer. How do you integrate these different aspects into your approach to empowering women and promoting self-love?

 I'm thrilled to share how I integrate my diverse roles into empowering women and promoting self-love. It's all about creating a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body, and spirit. As an author, I express my thoughts on self-love and empowerment through my writings. Books serve as a powerful medium to provide insights, share personal stories, and offer practical advice that women can relate to on their journey to self-discovery. Motivational speaking allows me to connect directly with my audience. I use this platform to inspire women, sharing stories of resilience, personal growth, and the importance of embracing one's unique qualities. It's about fostering a positive mindset and encouraging women to believe in their capabilities. Yoga is a beautiful tool for physical and mental well-being. As a yoga teacher, I design classes that go beyond the physical postures, incorporating mindfulness and self-compassion. The practice becomes a space for women to connect with their bodies, release stress, and cultivate a loving relationship with themselves. Chakra healing adds another layer to my approach. By addressing the energy centers within the body, I guide women in balancing their emotional and spiritual well-being. This can be particularly transformative, helping them tap into their inner strength and wisdom. By seamlessly weaving these aspects together, I create a comprehensive and personalized approach to empowerment. Whether through the written word, spoken inspiration, mindful movement, or energy work, the goal is always to uplift women, helping them recognize their worth and fostering a deep sense of self-love. It's a journey we embark on together, embracing the beauty of holistic well-being.

3. The promotion of self-love is crucial, especially in a world that feels increasingly divsive, day by day. What 2 minute strategies or tips would you share with someone that they can implement, starting today, to increase their feelings of self-love and self-compassion?

Absolutely, fostering self-love is vital, especially in today's world. Here are two quick strategies anyone can implement, starting today, to boost their feelings of self-love and self-compassion: 1. Daily Affirmations:Take a few minutes each morning to affirm positive statements about yourself. Stand in front of a mirror and say things like "I am worthy," "I am capable," or "I love and accept myself as I am." Repeat these affirmations throughout the day. It might feel a bit awkward at first, but with time, it can profoundly impact your self-perception. 2. Mindful Breathing and Self-Reflection: Dedicate a few moments to mindful breathing. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply, exhale slowly, allowing yourself to be present in the moment. As you breathe, reflect on your strengths, achievements, and moments of joy. Acknowledge any negative thoughts without judgment, and gently redirect your focus to positive aspects of yourself. These strategies are simple yet powerful. Incorporating them into your daily routine helps create a habit of self-love and mindfulness. Remember, self-love is a journey, and these small steps can lead to significant shifts in how you perceive and appreciate yourself. 

4. In your method of disrupting diet culture, you emphasize self-love at any size. How did you develop this approach, and what inspired you to challenge the conventional notions of beauty and happiness?

Challenging the conventional notions of beauty and happiness is at the core of my approach to disrupting diet culture. My journey toward this perspective has been shaped by personal experiences and a commitment to promoting genuine well-being.

Development of the Approach: My approach developed organically, influenced by witnessing the struggles individuals face within the confines of societal beauty standards. I noticed the damaging impact of diet culture on mental and physical health. It became clear to me that true well-being goes beyond restrictive diets and unrealistic beauty ideals.

Inspiration to Challenge Conventional Notions: Several factors inspired me to challenge these conventional notions. Firstly, personal experiences of overcoming societal pressures and embracing my own unique beauty played a significant role. I realized that happiness is not a size; it's a state of mind rooted in self-acceptance and love.

Additionally, witnessing the emotional toll of diet culture on others fueled my determination to make a difference. The stories of individuals trapped in cycles of guilt, shame, and self-criticism pushed me to advocate for a more inclusive and compassionate approach to health and beauty. Understanding that happiness and well-being are multifaceted, I drew inspiration from the growing body positivity movement. It reinforced the idea that true happiness stems from self-love, regardless of one's size or appearance.

Key Elements of the Approach: My approach emphasizes:

  1. Body Positivity: Encouraging individuals to appreciate and celebrate their bodies for what they are, fostering a positive relationship with their physical selves.
  2. Intuitive Eating: Promoting mindful eating and listening to the body's signals rather than adhering to restrictive diets dictated by external standards.
  3. Self-Love Practices: Incorporating practices that nurture self-love, such as mindfulness, positive affirmations, and gratitude, to foster a holistic sense of well-being.

By challenging the norms perpetuated by diet culture, I aim to create a space where individuals can embrace their uniqueness, cultivate self-love, and redefine their relationship with beauty and happiness on their terms. It's a journey of empowerment and authenticity that I'm passionate about sharing with others. 

5. Miss Nepal 2023 (Miss Universe Pageant in El Salvador) broke entrenched stereotypes around size inclusivity in the entertainment and pageant world. Do you believe our society is growing one step toward self-love at all sizes?


The groundbreaking moment at Miss Nepal 2023, particularly in the context of size inclusivity, signals a positive shift in societal perceptions. It reflects a growing acknowledgment that beauty comes in diverse shapes and sizes, and everyone deserves to be celebrated. The fact that a pageant on such a global stage took a step towards breaking entrenched stereotypes is a significant stride towards fostering self-love at all sizes. It challenges traditional beauty standards and sends a powerful message that beauty is not confined to a specific body type. This moment encourages individuals to embrace their uniqueness and reinforces the idea that self-love is inclusive and should be celebrated in all its forms.

As society witnesses and appreciates a broader range of body types in influential platforms like beauty pageants, it contributes to dismantling harmful stereotypes. It opens up conversations about diversity, promoting self-love, and underscores the importance of accepting ourselves and others without judgment. While there's still work to be done, such instances demonstrate a positive trajectory towards a more inclusive and accepting society. It encourages individuals to reevaluate their own standards of beauty and challenges the notion that only one specific body type is desirable. Ultimately, this contributes to a culture that values and celebrates self-love at all sizes, fostering a more positive and accepting environment for everyone. 

6. You are the Founder of the Self-Love Maven Magazine. How does this medium contribute to creating a supportive community for women on their self-love journey

As the founder of the Self-Love Maven Magazine, I'm passionate about creating a space that goes beyond traditional media narratives to foster a supportive community for women on their self-love journey.

  1. Diverse Representation: The magazine prioritizes diverse representation. By featuring women of all ages, sizes, backgrounds, and experiences, we ensure that every reader can find relatable stories that resonate with their own journey. This diversity helps break down stereotypes and fosters a sense of inclusivity and belonging.
  2. Authentic Storytelling: We prioritize authentic storytelling. Contributors share their personal experiences, struggles, and triumphs on the path to self-love. By being transparent and vulnerable, these stories create a connection among readers, reassuring them that they are not alone in their journey and that imperfections are a natural part of the process.
  3. Expert Insights and Advice: The magazine provides expert insights and advice from professionals in various fields related to self-love, mental health, and well-being. This information equips our readers with practical tools and strategies to incorporate into their lives, enhancing their self-love journey.
  4. Community Engagement: Through forums, social media, and events, we encourage active engagement within our community. Readers can share their thoughts, ask for advice, and support each other in a positive and uplifting environment. This sense of community fosters a collective energy of empowerment and encouragement.
  5. Empowering Visuals: We curate empowering visuals that showcase beauty in all its forms. Our visuals challenge conventional standards and celebrate authenticity, encouraging women to embrace their unique beauty. Positive and empowering images contribute to reshaping societal perceptions and standards of beauty.
  6. Educational Resources: The magazine serves as an educational resource, offering articles, guides, and resources that empower women with the knowledge and tools to navigate their self-love journey. This combination of inspiration and education creates a holistic approach to personal growth.

In essence, the Self-Love Maven Magazine is more than just a publication; it's a movement. It aims to shift cultural norms, redefine beauty standards, and create a supportive community where women can learn, share, and grow together on their journey toward self-love. 


7. What is next for Martina Wall? How can our viewership follow along and support you?

I'm excited about the journey ahead, and there are a few avenues where you can follow along and support me:

1.  Upcoming Projects: Stay tuned for upcoming projects! Whether it's a new book collaboration, speaking engagements, or innovative initiatives related to self-love and empowerment, I'll be sharing updates through various channels.

2.  Social Media: Follow me on social media platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook. These channels are where I regularly share insights, quotes, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into my life and work. It's also a great way to stay informed about any live events or online engagements. @martinahealthandwellness @selflovemavenmagazine

3.  Website and Blog: Explore my website and blog for in-depth articles, resources, and updates. I often share valuable content related to self-love, mindfulness, and personal growth.

4.  Events and Workshops: If you're interested in attending live events, workshops, or speaking engagements, keep an eye on announcements. I'll share details about these opportunities on my website and social media platforms.

5.  Collaborations and Partnerships: I'm always open to collaborations and partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations. If you share a passion for empowering others and promoting self-love, feel free to reach out.

6.  Community Engagement: Join the conversation! Engage with me and the community through comments, discussions, and participation in events. Your input and support are invaluable in creating a positive and uplifting space for everyone.

Remember, the journey toward self-love is a collective one, and I'm grateful for the support of each individual on this path. Together, we can continue to inspire and uplift others, fostering a community that celebrates authenticity and empowerment. I look forward to sharing more moments of growth and joy with you!

Behind the Vision

13 Jan, 2024
1. Your journey into the alternative healthcare space began with your grandmother's teachings. Please share those early experiences and how they forged the path for you to become a certified aromatherapist? Do those early teachings still impact your day-to-day beliefs and work? If so, how? I was sickly as a child, I didn’t live near my grandparents, but she was always making something for my mother to use for me; creams, tonics, teas and even though I would fight the process (some of them were horrible), I was always better in a day or two. When I would visit, she would take me through the garden and explain that this was GOD’s medicine. My parents also gardened – vegetables and herbs. My mother would show me how to macerate herbs in oils and make teas, etc. I have always been health conscious, so I guess maybe it had an impact on me, but never so great an impact as it did in 2011 when my body turned on me. 2. You are now the CEO of Earth's Own Essentials, offering a wide range of natural products. What motivated you to start this journey? I did a lot of research when I was ill and found that allopathic medicine was not going to restore me to health. The medications were making me ill, everything was standard operating procedure. My husband and I were both afraid I wasn’t going to ever be the same. I suffered for many years, and nothing changed. I had one of two choices, succumbing to my condition, or fighting like heck to prove them wrong. I chose the latter. I studied hundreds of hours for Certifications and took a chance on a formulation that I created for myself. Within months, I was on my way to recovery. As I improved, I wanted to be able to share what I learned and experienced with people who have similar health conditions and are looking for healthcare options. 3. How does your background in Radio and Television impact your company? Do you find yourself leaning on, and utilizing, your communication experience to support those looking to rewire their health? I think the experience of working in radio and television taught me to listen carefully (twice as much as I speak), and to do my research. When I was a journalist, we actually focused on the truth. I learned to seek information from many sources and draw conclusions, and then present them. I love talking to people, I think communication is key for any situation. When people are comfortable speaking, they open up. You learn to communicate on their terms. When I work with clients, I try to communicate and build trust so I can support the “whole” of the person. To do that, I have to listen to what they are telling me, as well as to ask relevant questions that will help me help them. 4. If you are comfortable, share your personal experience with (essential oils) aromatherapy. How has its power worked in your life? I have irreversible injuries to my body, and musculoskeletal conditions…. (I call them silent illnesses). I live with chronic pain and physical impairments. Essential oils have chemical constituents that support wellness in all aspects, mental, physical, and spiritual. It is not the aroma, but the chemical makeup of that oil that works. The scent is an added bonus. Aromatherapy has allowed me to function more efficiently and be clear headed. You can use oils continuously without side effects as long as they are used properly. 5. You shared with me that your goal is to increase people's knowledge and awareness about safe usage of essential oils. What is your approach to education? What do you believe is necessary for comprehensive education around alternative healthcare? Although essential oil methodology is not complicated, it is important to lay the groundwork for a working knowledge about essential oils, extraction methods, and precautions. Then people can have a better understanding of the value of the oil and proper ways to use it. I like to speak publicly or conduct in person training where there’s small group learning, and I want to begin doing online training. For my personal clients, its ongoing information. I let them know what the blend is created for, but also other benefits they are likely to experience because of the many therapeutic properties in each oil. I also produce a monthly newsletter and post essential oil information on social media through Earth’s Own Essentials. 6. Explain how a particular blend or essential oil has a positive impact on someone's physical, mental, or emotional health? All essential oils possess therapeutic components that work through your bloodstream to affect all areas in your body. You may take an oil/blend for digestive concerns and find your mood has elevated, or you’re no longer fatigued, you’re sleeping better etc. And when oils are blended you can create a synergy that promotes wellness in your entire body. 7. Are blends tailored to a specific person or are they one size fits all? There are blends that are pre-formulated that are safe for the general population available on my website (or elsewhere), but as a Certified Aromatherapist I prefer to address the whole of the person with my formulations, so I take a different approach with my private consultations. We do an intake, have an introductory conversation and after we discuss their goals, I create a personalized blend for that client. 8. In what ways can someone work out with you? How can they reach out and additionally, how can they connect with you via Social Media? I can be reached several ways: Cell 614.670.2108 Email: Theres a link on the website for consultation requests: FB: 9. Why is it important that we take charge of our health If you don’t you will surely live to regret it. Sometimes, even, if you do, things can happen. Your body and your health are your life. Being proactive in your health care empowers you. To be able to get up and breathe, move, think, touch, feel, are the very things that make us alive. Be proactive, get regular wellness checks; immerse yourself in forest bathing, rest, eat healthy. Your body needs you to take care of it… when you don’t, you promote dis-ease in your body, and it can be harmful. The foods we eat provide no nutrients – eat whole foods… love yourself enough! There are no guarantees, but we can give ourselves that best shot. Using oils and blends that help support wellness, using oils for clean living to fight germs, mold, bacteria, using oils instead of pills to fight anxiety and depression, provide pain relief, help you relax and sleep. There are more than 43 million people in America without healthcare and who can’t afford medications. Essential oils are far less costly too. We are not doctors, we can’t diagnose or treat, but we can help with natural and holistic ways to improve your health. OTHER “ESSENTIAL” QUESTIONS. (LOL -get it??) 1. What are essential oils? Essential oils are highly concentrated, volatile compounds that are extracted from plants, flowers, fruits, trees, barks, roots etc., that can provide support for many physical and mental health conditions. They are the “essence of the plant” that creates its scent and are the key factor in a plant’s ability to protect itself from parasites and insects. Aromatherapy is the therapeutic utilization of these aromatic substances for holistic healing. 2. Why are essential oils beneficial for healing? Essential oils contain therapeutic components that provide support to the body’s systems. 3. Are they safe to use? When used appropriately yes. There is a lot of misinformation about how essential oils can be used or applied. For example, direct ingestion can be very dangerous causing liver or kidney damage, and even death if not under the care of a professional. Using oils directly on the skin without a carrier oil can also cause serious problems. They should also not be used on infants and small children, pregnant or women should use with caution and consult a professional as some oils can cause adverse reactions. Also, people with respiratory conditions should use with care. 4. How are essential oils used? The most common and safe ways to use essential oils is through topical application, diffusion, or inhalation. 5. What does the science say about essential oils? Long before modern humans developed the ability to make medicines by using chemical synthesis, our ancestors turned to the natural world to find ways of treating a wide range of ailments. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils is one of those modalities that have been used for thousands of years across all cultures, particularly in Egypt. The information has passed through time in oral and written form and is now available online. In many countries essential oils qualify as prescription medicines. Essential oil research and clinical studies are being conducted regularly with many describing remarkable healing properties of these oils, and showing positive effects for a variety of health concerns including pain, infections, depression, tumors, pms, nausea etc. 6. Name three benefits of using essential oils and alternative medicines. • Pure with no side effects. Essential oils enter and exit the body. • Cost effective even for lesser income families. • Lower pain • Lower stress and anxiety • Headache and migraine relief • Ease menstrual pain • Encourage sleep (70 million suffer sleep disorders) • Antiviral, antifungal antibiotic anti-microbial properties, etc. 7. How did the Earth’s Own Essentials oil company get started? Born out of desperate need to find help for myself. Once the oils proved critical in my recovery, I made a promise to GOD to share it with others and help support as many as I could in their wellness journey – selling my own brand of oils to ensure high quality – providing personalized support – and sharing what I’ve learned. 8. How is your business different? I look at each client /shopper as I do myself. What can I do to help them. What do they need from me? There is a website, but if you don’t know what you need, I can be contacted for support. I accept consultations, and I help with research on case studies.
12 Jan, 2024
A topic that has been at the foundation of my growth for many years has been understanding the mind vs. heart connection or missed connection. As a kid, I’m sure you may be able to relate, I always knew with every fiber of my being when something was right. I didn’t question why or how. It was the adults that questioned the logic behind my desires as a child. Until I was about seven or eight years old, their questions never phased my internal compass. People say that seven years old is a magical age. Based on my experience as a seven-year-old, I have to agree. It was a time when I was more aware of the world around me as well as my intuitive gifts. Life felt more magical but it was a delicate balancing act. Being more in tune with the world around me meant I was tapping into an adult's questions about how and why. It was not long after seven that I too started to ask myself the same questions when I had the idea to do something I felt strongly about. The question of how gained so much momentum over the years that by the time I was an adult in the depths of my professional dance career, it had become a huge roadblock for me. This one little word created immense self-doubt about my career choice and the future I was forging as a professional dancer. I questioned my skills, my talent, and my ability to make it as a professional dancer. All because at every opportunity I asked how. I had been taught to rationalize every opportunity or potential opportunity with the how-tos and what-ifs in fifty different ways even before I knew if the opportunity would materialize. I killed the dream before it could become reality and then was disappointed the dream didn’t materialize. Into The Heart It wasn’t until my late twenties that I began to wonder where the seven-year-old me went. I wanted my wonderment and internal knowing back. I wanted to trust my gut instinct or intuition. I wanted to enjoy the journey. I didn’t want to kill my dreams with questions about how. I dove into traditional therapy which eventually led to holistic therapeutic practices. The holistic therapeutic practices led to practicing things like meditation, journaling, reiki, and reciting affirmations to help me shift my mindset out of a place of lack and into a place of abundance for where my life was in the present moment. The more I practiced my own combination of these tools the more I learned how to get out of my head and into my heart. What do I mean when I say get out of my head and into my heart? It started with meditation. I’m extremely calculated when it comes to making decisions. Except for an occasional wild hair. I used to spin around in my thoughts trying to rationalize an idea for months. Oftentimes, I talked myself right out of my desires and regretted it. The wild hair got me when I decided to leave corporate to pursue my dream of being a successful entrepreneur. Immediately, I began to question everything. For a few weeks, I instinctively thought, what the h- did I just do?! Followed by leaning on my therapeutic practices - meditation, journaling, and affirmations to help me stay grounded in my decision. A headspace meditation flipped and changed everything for me. I had been struggling to stop my thoughts during meditation which only frustrated me and led to me fidgeting for the entire meditation session. This particular headspace meditation explained that our minds are like cars on a six-lane highway. If we try to step out into traffic to control it, we create a massive pile-up. Instead, allow the cars (your thoughts) to pass by while focusing on your breathing, and whenever you find yourself following a car (thought) come back to your breathing. The longer you do this the slower the traffic (thoughts) become and you can relax. I was now able to slow down my thoughts to the point that I was able to start leaning into my intuition. Turn Down The Volume The mind is like a computer. It’s calculating, problem-solving, and coming up with solutions to the matter we’re asking about. However, with every new question comes fifty new outcomes that take you down a twenty-five-mile road that ultimately ends in some form of failure based on fear- a fear of the unknown. Even though we may not be happy with our current situation, there may be a certain level of comfort in knowing the outcome of our every day. When we start to travel down that road of the unknown it is very easy to succumb to the fear of - what if I fail? When you, as I like to say, turn down the volume of your thoughts through breathing as mentioned earlier, you’re able to tap into your heart space or chakra in that relaxed state. Your heart chakra is connected to your sacral chakra which is the heart of your desires. It’s within the stillness of ourselves, the calming of our minds, that we’re able to see or feel the next step toward achieving our desire. No matter how many times you ask your intuition how it will give you the same answer every time. The more you practice getting out of your head and into your heart, you’ll start to ask yourself- what if I succeed? Over time, your childlike joy, and wonderment will return as you journey on your adventure toward your desire. Here are three tips for getting started on your practice for getting out of your head and into your heart: Tip #1. Sit in your favorite space. Tip #2. Practice breathing in the early morning or evening when your day is at its calmest. Tip #3. To start your practice, take only 1-2 minutes and notice the difference in how you feel. JOIN Tara and The Grounded Community for more inspiration, access to summits, in-person events, and workshops to help in the advancement of finding and living your definition of work-life balance:
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